
A Rose (<click here!) is a creation of exquisite beauty. Men and women both like them. My father loved roses, and so do I. Roses don't grow too well up high in the Rocky Mountains, but since this is a mountaintop home of the imagination in cyberspace, we can alter the climate in our dreams so that roses grow wonderfully on the mountainside here!

The rose is a symbol of many eternal things. It is like that Special Friend you meet in life who may be out of sight and voice for a long, long time due to some tragic happening, but your spirits are still joined in your hearts and when one day you meet again, things will be the same between you, and your hearts will beat as one...maybe even better than before. NEVER GIVE UP. NEVER SAY NEVER IT CAN'T HAPPEN. NEVER SAY NEVER. Remember Rick and Ilsa, if you are familiar with the movie Casablanca.Time supplies opportunities for those who are patient and brave and don't give in to negative thoughts of failure.

The spirit of the eternal rose is like the Myth of Anakin, in which Anakin Skywalker begins good, turns to the dark and evil side in Darth Vader, and in time is reborn into the good side, the side of the light, with the help of the goodness and courage and persistence within Luke his son...and the influence and inspiration of his daughter Leia. The rose is also a symbol for real agape love ---in Reality too, not just in myths and stories. Real agape love, says I Corinthians, is eternal. That seed of eternal, forever-blooming, Godly love in Jesus Christ will always find a way to survive and be reborn and grow even under the cold snows of the difficulties of life. "See, I make all things new!"